iN RESPONSE: Readers have their say | iNFOnews | Thompson-Okanagan's News Source

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iN RESPONSE: Readers have their say


Following are a collection of reader responses to stories or letters to the editor for the third week of January 2024. They have been edited slightly for readability. 

Got something you want to add? Send an email to editor Marshall Jones at

Terminally ill Salmon Arm grandmother leaving legacy of love, family and nursing

Donna has always been a champion for seniors care and I enjoyed working with her when she was at Berwick on the Park. Thinking of her and her family. — Terry Lake, via


'Out of control': Kamloops way over budget on legal bills last year

He is out of control!  He just needs to do his job, if that is possible. — Shannon, via


City suing developer building 42-storey highrise in downtown Kelowna

Are we to assume that the city does no investigations before issuing building permits for such large projects and ducks all responsibility when things go wrong? — Robert Bishop, via


Kelowna realtor charged with flying drone in active fire zone

Come on. Rules and laws aren’t for wealthy white men? They don’t apply to them. He wants to get good pictures. That counts more than firefighter safety. — Jen Schwab Nickel, via Facebook 

He knows better! —  Jo-Anne Lamb, via Facebook 

Arrogance is dangerous. — Cherie Hanson, via Facebook 

I hope there are severe consequences for this action. You only need to look to the Los Angeles fires when a drone hit a water bomber and sidelined it for days. Days that were crucial in the fight to save homes and lives. —, via Bluesky 


iN RESPONSE to January 22 newsletter editorial on four more years of Trump headlines

About four years ago I wrote a letter to the Editor predicting Trump would be in the history books as the President they never had. Today I am contemplating another letter, asking readers if they are ready for another four years without a President. — Andy Thomsen, Kelowna, via email

What’s your problem? I gather you are a Liberal, worse yet, an NDP supporter? Who cares that Trump is the President of the USA, he’s not our president! Maybe focus on the current situation and disaster we have in Canada, maybe educate yourself into the policies that have screwed us Canadians over the last nine years. But typical for left wing fanatics, you spew just your version. Sad where journalism has gone. — William Balyx, via email

It’s called a democracy, accept it. They voted him in. Whatever stupid thing he says, until it actually impacts a majority of the population, shut up. Are you going to vilify Pierre Poilievre if he says there are only two genders when he gets elected? Guess what, most people think the same thing. You’re going to lose a lot of readers if you jump on everything Trump says. Take it with a grain of salt. He did more good for America when he was in power than Biden ever did. — Rena Nathanail, via email

We all have our own opinions and it’s unfortunate that you’re already tired of Trump. That’s too bad as he’s now hard at work in the right direction — upsiding the upside down USA that Biden and his moron clan created! It’s unfortunate that we here in Canada don’t have a Trump. Many have a lot of faith in Poilievre, but he is not a Trump or even a close facsimile. I hope I’m wrong and can’t wait until the next election is called. — Tamara Clarke, Kamloops, via email

The left politics that have been destroying great countries like the USA and Canada and Europe are due for a common sense revolution. It's happening. A bit of pain at the beginning, but greatness will prevail. Don't fight it. It's needed to right the ship and bring stability and prosperity back. We can see what 10 years of communism has done to Canada. Just wait and see how great things can be again in Canada and the USA once governments are able to change course. — Sergei Tashlikowich, via email


I am finding it very difficult to realize that this person will be in my face every day for the next four years. Can you imagine waking up from a good nights sleep, making yourself a morning coffee and take time to find out what took place overnight within our community and the world by turning on the news. Oh my God, your morning fix of Trump. I'm going 'Back to the Village,' a time that existed when neighbours and locals were our source of happy beginnings. It’s going to be difficult for me to know that a narcissist, thug and a convicted felon is now in such a position of power. He is without a doubt the most dangerous man ever to hold such a position of power. God help us all. — B. Manery, via email


Kamloops RCMP search for suspects related to a weapons theft

Why did the RCMP wait more than two months to ask the public for help with this? There is a serious threat to the public when thieves stole guns and other weapons. Obviously not serious enough for them? — David Payne, vis 


Kelowna could be UNESCO's first Canadian 'City of Gastronomy'

Kelowna has terrible restaurants, the worst most mediocre food ever. UNESCO don’t waste your time. — Mona Gold Steinberg, via 


iN RESPONSE to the January 20 newsletter editorial on the lack of winter in Thompson-Okanagan

We are really hoping for snow so the Vernon Winter Carnival can sparkle.  Our events are not being cancelled because of the lack of snow, its just, like you said, something is missing . — Marti Giroux, via email

I know it's not Penticton, but there's snow higher up in Osoyoos! —  Sheree Stokoe, via email

Image Credit: SUBMITTED/ Sheree Stokoe


BC bar fined $3,000 for clearing drinks from table 12 minutes late

This is government overreach at its best! — Andre Aranha, via

People are getting robbed and stabbed everywhere, drugs are running rampant, people are getting out of jail hours after committing serious harm to others or property, and you fine some $3,000 for being 12 minutes late. Welcome to the BC government! — Josh Fouhse, via

This is an example of micro-managing. I hate it. Why doesn’t the government go find a drug dealer to bust or some fool smoking meth on transit. — Dana Seaman, via


This is a crazy level of regulatory enforcement. How proud the inspectors and police must have been over this big bust. C’mon. Surely there are more important matters to be addressing, and a $3,000 fine? Really? The government solved some pretty serious societal misconduct here! — William Mastop, via

The bar was fined for half a glass at one table? Who cares? The bar was probably aware at the time but was showing courtesy to a customer. One half drink at one table eh? The whole world is going crazy. — Bruce Galliford, via

I would love to know how this was a threat to public safety. The bar probably just got understaffed when the bartender was fired. I hope I get to meet the guy who issued this ticket some day. — Corey Watts, via

This is over the top. Two people were sitting quietly. If it was a rowdy place with lots of unfinished drinks, then fair enough. This is just unjust. — Tracy Jones, via

The fine seems high for the infraction and for it being first one. — Brian Hobenshield, via

We live in a “free” country. What a joke, there are too many pencil pushers and rules to justify a stifling government bureaucracy. — Jonathan Toy, via

There was really no crime here, just overreach by government. The officials involved could have simply mentioned the law and asked the patrons to finish their drinks. Instead they chose a tactic to make sure they weren’t welcome in this establishment, and now other establishments as well as in the minds of the public. The regulations should have allowed a $0 fine at the option of the judge. With a $0 fine, the judge could have sent the right message back through the system. The problem points back to the regulators that wrote the regulations. Mean little minds should not be allowed to use the system to impose unjust hardships on the rest of us. These regulators should be sought out, removed and punished, and the regulations changed. Just my common sense opinion. Are our elected officials listening? I invite you to discuss this article with your MLA. — Ed Mierzewski, via

That whole branch of liquor inspectors should be dismantled. With no previous offence, a warning should have been issued. It would have had the same result for the facility. It’s not any different than this crazy concept of putting minors in the bar environment to try to nail a server which in most cases forgot to ask for ID. It is sad to see how low the liquor branch will go to appease the NDP government. That whole branch should be dismantled and replaced. — Rebecca Halldorson, via


North American puritan culture needs to end. In Europe, this would be a non-issue. — Matthew Hunter, via

Wow good job government, I feel so much safer, lol. — Akkbar Kuar, via

Absolutely ridiculous. We fine bars $3,000 because two patrons were 15 minutes late finishing their drinks, but never issue a fine when people leave out garbage and get wildlife like black bears killed by conservation officers. Over 600 bears are killed every year from rule breaking humans. Who died because these people didn’t finish their drinks within the time frame? What a joke. — Tara Geddon, via


What a dirty trick to pull. — Curtis Moss, via

This is an example of ridiculous bureaucratic power with no accountability for their actions. — David Nagle, via

I’m baffled. Why does this law even exist? To what purpose does it exist? — J Plourde, via


Kamloops man lived for four years in dugout camp before it was dismantled

Man is the environmental hazard! Leave these people alone. What right do we have to say they cannot live their way on the land. Those do gooders that believe you have to have a house worth hundreds of thousands need to open their hearts. The land is ours, not the politicians. Everyone has a right go choose. — Peggy Copeland, via 


Truck convoy set to disrupt traffic from Okanagan to Kamloops

This is just a ridiculous self-serving money grab. This group’s “founder” is just trying to tap into people’s politics to make money off her little brand. Go find this silly “resistance’s” website and what you’ll see front-and-centre is the “merch”. Don’t fall for this people. This isn’t a movement, it is just a ploy to make a buck. — Steven Morehouse, via 

Search YouTube for any episode of "Hogan’s Heroes". A chance to look at real fools in action! — Garey Jonson, via

What is their problem? It sounds like an illegal road blockage to me. They should be denied media coverage and given police coverage. — Donna-Jay Carlson, via 

To all RCMP detachments affected, bust them. I suggest huge fines for the organizers. We normal citizens have no time or patience for anarchy from a gang of disgruntled people. It’s time for these guys to grow up and figure out a way to protest that doesn’t alienate the rest of the populace. I call them anarchistic assholes hiding amongst the crowd of sheep that swallowed their paranoid divisive hateful rhetoric.Talk about the need for deportation orders. — Becky Dawson, via 


THOMPSON: Most harmful thing crossing border from US? Right wing extremism

Wake up Canada! Do your homework, but just absorbing the information in this column should give you pause. — Bonnie Derry, via


'So much kindness': Penticton Walmart cashier has a heart of gold

Way to go, Sue! — Emma Moorhouse, via 

This is such a sweet story. It made my day. Thanks to the reporter and Mrs. Squires. — Robert Bishop, via

Awesome lady, I see her often. — Courtney Robinson, via Facebook

You’re a very special lady for what you do, keep it up. — Legless Norm, via Facebook


'Unnecessary and extreme': Penticton couple suing RCMP alleging traffic stop got violent

I had a similar thing happen 14 years back in Osoyoos, and six months later the officer in question was in trouble for needlessly pulling his weapon and dropping it. The police have traditionally hired more of the 'tough guys' and this has always been a bad idea. You can teach anyone to defend themselves but you can’t teach the jerk out of a bully. — Dick Dawson, via iNFOnewsca 

iNFOnews and Ground News are the only internet outlets to even mention this situation. What are the names of the other officers involved? Our communities are tired of the RCMP hiding behind a wall of false protection. — Deborah Bee, via


Letter to the Editor 

Last week I went to a nearby pizza shop to order a pizza. A homeless man, who appeared to be in his early 20s and looked high on something, was standing unevenly behind me. He must have heard me ask what the cost of the pizza was, because he reached over and put about 3 or 4 crumpled 20 dollar bills on the counter, telling the cashier that he would pay for my pizza. I turned around quickly and said, "That's OK. I got this," then thanked him very much for his generosity. The young man scooped up his bills.

After I paid for my order, I turned back towards him and asked: "How are you doing?" and he said, "Well, some days are better and some days are worse." I wish there were more places in Kelowna where people in a similar situation could go to receive help. Last September the B.C. government announced it will expand involuntary care for those with mental health and addictions issues, and open highly secure facilities to house people detained under the Mental Health Act. Premier David Eby said that the government would open mental health units at correctional facilities, as well as at regional facilities, that would provide long-term care and housing for those with mental health needs.

What about involuntary care for those who are not living in correctional facilities? I realize that involuntary care is a very controversial issue, with several pros and cons. But until the federal and provincial governments enact involuntary care legislation across the entire country, and provide the funding and the spaces to treat people, the situation is only going to get worse. What comes to mind is a line from a famous poem by William Butler Yeats: "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;”

To make a real dent in Canada's growing drug epidemic, there first needs to be amendments to all 13 provincial Mental Health Acts, the Canada Health Act, the Criminal Code, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The now suspended BC United Party had a platform titled "Better is Possible," which was a plan to overhaul the delivery of B.C. mental health services, and build a recovery-oriented system of care. From the "Better is Possible" webpage: "Compassionate involuntary treatment: Bring forward legislation allowing the limited use of involuntary treatment to keep our most vulnerable youth and adults at risk of harm to themselves or others safe at modernized, compassionate facilities with 24/7 psychiatric and medical supports."

On Feb. 2, 2023, former BC United Party leader Kevin Falcon said: "We will also implement involuntary care where necessary. Involuntary care must always be a last resort, but we recognize there are some cases that require this type of intervention and support for both adults and youth." The Liberal Party of Canada will choose its new leader on March 9, who will lead the party into the 2025 federal election, which must take place on or before Oct. 20.

Will involuntary care become an election issue? It will become an election issue if both the general public and the media (print, online, radio, TV) across the country keep raising the topic during candidate campaign stops, interviews, town halls, and debates. In Okanagan ridings, do you think any candidates for Member of Parliament will promise to support legislation to amend the Canada Health Act, the Criminal Code, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to allow for involuntary treatment? If so, from which party or parties?

Involuntary treatment and care is mentioned in the May 21, 2024 BC Today episode: Road to Recovery: What kind of support do families of people with addiction need? (at the 16:30 mark and the 21:30 mark).

— David Buckna, via email


Open letter to West Kelowna residents - What matters most to West Kelowna residents?

Last December at the West Kelowna 2025 Budget Meetings, Councillor Johnston spoke on the budget process and media attention pertaining to the then 8.35% taxation increase, now 7.43%, and the comments of the public.

Johnston: “If the community wants to discuss changing service level standards and capping tax rates with inflation, we can, but it will have different outcomes. Bigger, better, faster services cost money, which shouldn't be surprising ... I’m interested to hear from the community ….”

Every $450,000 equals a 1% tax increase so if you want more spending on a particular project at a cost of $1 million, it will cost all of us a 2.2% tax increase to replace any reserves used to complete the project.

Recent financial decisions by the current City Council are anticipated to impose significant long-term tax burdens on future councils and taxpayers. Notably, the $18 million New City Hall and the $9 million new library projects encountered substantial cost overruns, collectively amounting to an additional $8.3 million. This has necessitated borrowing of approximately $21.5 million, plus interest at today's rates, and additional undetermined costs. Consequently, the overall expense to taxpayers for the new city hall and the new library combined is estimated to be around $53.3 million, spread over 25 years. While these projects were necessary, they have delayed other future initiatives as the city faces the challenge of replenishing depleted reserves.

Since January 2023, the reserves have significantly diminished, in some cases even plunging into negative balances, to cover project expenditures and budget overruns. From an initial balance of $48 million in January 2023, the reserves are expected to fall to $15 million by the end of 2025. Similarly, the Developer Cost Contributions (DCCs) for infrastructure, which stood at $15.7 million in January 2023, are projected to drop to $11.3 million, with their future heavily reliant on housing growth.

The 2025 to 2033 Capital Plan outlines over $206 million in spending. There is a need for steady reserves to cover these capital costs, suggesting that reserves should be continually maintained between $52 million to $110 million, instead of the projected $15 million by the end of 2025. This financial scenario raises the pressing question: Can we afford our wants, or should we focus on our actual needs?

Residents are urged to consider their priorities: should funds be directed toward enhancing parks and recreation, or should essential services like safety, sidewalks, street lighting, roads, and water and sewer utilities take precedence? The debate extends to tax implications—would you support significant tax hikes for major projects, or should the city first complete basic infrastructure improvements and only tackle larger projects once reserves are replenished or external funding is secured?
Furthermore, there’s a critical choice between maintaining fixed annual budget increases at 5.5%, plus housing growth estimated at 1.5% annually, for the next decade, or opting for higher spending on major projects that could lead to annual tax increases of 8 to15%.

It's important to note that utility fee increases, which are separate from tax increases, are currently under review and are expected to rise.

As you prepare to communicate your list of needs and wants to the city, choose wisely, as these decisions will ultimately affect your wallet through taxation or utility fee increases.

The City will be announcing 2025 Budget Town Hall meetings soon so please send your suggestions and comments soon.

You can send your respectful email suggestions to: and

— Thomas Lovell, via email 

To contact a reporter for this story, email Marshall Jones or call 250-718-2724 or email the editor. You can also submit photos, videos or news tips to the newsroom and be entered to win a monthly prize draw.

We welcome your comments and opinions on our stories but play nice. We won't censor or delete comments unless they contain off-topic statements or links, unnecessary vulgarity, false facts, spam or obviously fake profiles. If you have any concerns about what you see in comments, email the editor in the link above. 

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