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How to Beat the Summer Heat in the Okanagan Valley

Summer in the Okanagan Valley is synonymous with sunny, warm days perfect for outdoor activities and endless fun. However, the soaring temperatures can sometimes be overwhelming. Here are some tips to stay cool and enjoy the best of what the Okanagan has to offer.

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Welcome to the Okanagan! Here are Some Resources to Help You Settle In

Welcome to the vibrant and picturesque Okanagan Valley, a region renowned for its stunning landscapes, outdoor activities, and tight-knit communities. Whether you're here for the wine, the beaches or the mountain views, settling into a new home can be a daunting task. To ease your transition, we've compiled essential resources to help you navigate your new environment.

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Navigating Okanagan and Skaha Lakes Safely

Boating enthusiasts, locals and tourists alike flock to the stunning Okanagan and Skaha Lakes every summer, eager to explore their crystal clear waters and breathtaking scenery. However, safety on the water should always be a top priority. Whether you're a seasoned mariner or a first-time boater, these tips will help ensure you and your loved ones have a safe and enjoyable experience on the lakes.

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The Future of Gardening in The Okanagan: Adapting to Climate Change with Water-Wise Strategies

In the heart of the Okanagan Valley, where the summers stretch long with a fierce, dry heat the importance of water-wise gardening cannot be overstated. With recent trends showing a noticeable increase in temperatures and a decrease in annual precipitation, the accent on sustainable landscaping is more crucial than ever

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Exploring the South Okanagan on Two Wheels and More in May

Nestled in the heart of British Columbia, the South Okanagan is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts, especially come May when the landscape awakens in a riot of colours and the air is filled with the promise of summer. Among the most cherished activities here is biking, where endless trails and scenic routes offer both the casual rider and the ardent cyclist a slice of paradise.

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Penticton BC - The perfect place to call home.

Nestled between shimmering Okanagan Lake and the picturesque Skaha Lake, Penticton in British Columbia stands as a beacon for those seeking an idyllic lifestyle. With a convergence of nature's grandeur and the sophisticated luxuries of urban living, Penticton has emerged as one of the top spots for relocation in Canada

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When to Plant Annual Flowers in Okanagan Valley: A Gardener’s Guide

The Okanagan Valley, a region of unique microclimates, sets the stage for gardening enthusiasts and planting flowers that signal the start of spring. Bright Petunias, sunny Marigolds, Zinnias, and the happy little faces of Pansies – these are the treasured gems that require perfectly timed planting to thrive. The key to successful planting lies in the delicate balance of timing, understanding local weather patterns, and choosing the right blooms that can brave the shock of any late frosts

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Cultivating Community: Shop with Local Nurseries

When it comes to gardening in the picturesque Okanagan Valley, there's a growing understanding that the seeds you sow can lead to more than just a beautiful garden; they can also support the community. With an emphasis on sustainability and personalised service, local nurseries stand out as the ideal partners for both experienced gardeners and those just starting to till the soil

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Building Site Preparation in the Okanagan – What’s Changing?

Building site preparation and excavation are essential for any construction project. It is necessary to ensure the safety and longevity of the structure(s) sitting on top. However, traditional excavation techniques can be challenging, possibly leading to damage of existing underground utilities and pipes

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Building a House in the Alluvial Fans and Deltas of the Okanagan Valley

The Okanagan Valley, located in south-central British Columbia, is a unique region characterized by a hot and dry climate with little rainfall. Despite this lack of precipitation, the region boasts a thriving fruit and wine growing industry, thanks to irrigation that started in the 1930s.

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Get the Best Results for Your Project with Professional Site Preparation

Before starting construction on any building project, you may need to consider having the land cleared and prepped. Whether it is a residential or commercial project you are embarking on, Okanagan excavation companies such as Twincon Enterprises know that how the land is prepared will set the right foundation for the project's success.

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How Outlet Stores Help Okanagan Families Save Money

The cost of living is increasing day by day, and it can be challenging to keep up with the high prices of everyday necessities. Okanagan families are struggling to make ends meet, and it's becoming increasingly harder to save money. That's where outlet stores come in

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Get Your Horse Ready for Spring and Summer with The Horse Barn

Keep your beloved horses healthy and happy this season with the most important tools and accessories needed for quality horse care and health. Getting ready for the riding season is an exciting time for equine enthusiasts, even though there’s a lot of work involved. Large supply stores such as The Horse Barn on Mt. Paul Way in Kamloops, offer shopping online for busy riders.

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The Convenience of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Pharmaceutical compounding is when your local pharmacist creates custom medications. The combined ingredients can be made up in the exact strength and dosage required by a patient according to their unique needs.

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Why Discount Retail Is a Great Way to Save Money

While online shopping increased during the pandemic lockdown, consumers are returning to post-COVID patterns, browsing in-store for merchandise where they can see items close-up and checking size and quality. With lessening anxiety has come a change in mood as Canadians are eager to get back to meeting each other in malls and stores. With the summer heat, indoor shopping is the perfect place to visit and shop

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Drilling and Blasting – A Specialized Industry

Building homes on sheer rock or terracing along the steep, rocky slopes of the Okanagan Valley is a demanding architectural feat. "Drilling and blasting" may be the first step. This is a specialized process requiring skill, knowledge, and experience. A successful blast requires a proper drill pattern for the desired result, the right explosives in appropriate quantities, the right sequence of timing, and the right place of initiation.

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Wondering about mortgage rates? Fixed vs variable rates – how to choose

This is a hot topic of discussion, especially these days. After years of a record-low Bank of Canada Prime rate at just .25%, we just had a .25% increase in early 2022. One that many people were expecting to happen this year.  

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How the Experts Handle Hazardous Tree Trimming

Having a diseased tree or tree branch can be both a pain and a liability. But how do we know when it’s time for a trim? Okanagan tree service companies employ certified arborists to identify these hazards in order to protect people and property – and also to keep the tree healthy.

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Keeping the water flowing in large construction projects

While municipal water and sewer lines can last up to a century, eventually they do need to be replaced. It’s a major project for any municipality in the Thompson-Okanagan, and a job that needs special care to keep things operating as near to normal as possible.

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Fire-proofing your yard this Fall

With climate change, summers in B.C. are getting hotter and drier, and with that comes the increasing danger of wildfire.

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Should you replace your asphalt driveway?

Your driveway is a key part of the curb appeal of your home. That’s why it is a good idea to not only have your driveway in tip-top structural condition but also looking its best. One way of doing that is by replacing old, tired and damaged asphalt driveways with new, more versatile concrete ones.

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North Okanagan company supplies key component to region’s infrastructure

When it comes to producing aggregate, Chapman Sand and Gravel in Armstrong is crushing it.

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Renting can put the right tools in hands of the home handyman

The impact of the pandemic has kept a lot of people at home over the last year and as a result, many have cast a critical eye over their living space. While some have opted to sell and move, many others who like their neighbourhood and home but want more features or space, are looking to renovate, and some are taking those home improvement tasks into their own hands.

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