This image released by Disney shows Judy Hopps, voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin, left, Nick Wilde, voiced by Jason Bateman, second left, in a scene from the animated film, "Zootopia." Deadpool's" three-week reign atop the box office has ended thanks to a handful of new openers, including "Zootopia" and "London Has Fallen."
Image Credit: THE CANADIAN PRESSAP/Disney via AP
March 06, 2016 - 6:30 PM
LOS ANGELES, Calif. - "Deadpool's" three-week reign atop the box office has ended thanks to a handful of new openers including "Zootopia" and "London Has Fallen."
The top spot went to Disney's "Zootopia" which staged a box office stampede in its first weekend in theatres with an estimated $73.7 million, according to the studio Sunday. It's the fourth highest March opening ever and a best for Disney Animation.
In second place, "London Has Fallen," a sequel to the "Die Hard" in the White House "Olympus Has Fallen," earned $21.7 million.
"Deadpool" fell to third with $16.4 million, bringing its domestic total to a staggering $311.2 million.
The Tina Fey comedy "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot," meanwhile, debuted in fourth with an estimated $7.6 million. The film cost a reported $35 million to produce.
News from © The Associated Press, 2016