West Kelowna council highlights for July 9 | iNFOnews | Thompson-Okanagan's News Source

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West Kelowna council highlights for July 9

Saddle Ridge Drive Subdivision
Council gave first and second readings to Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments to allow a five-lot subdivision at 2649 Saddleridge Drive in the Smith Creek neighbourhood. Council requested that input be sought from the Agricultural Advisory Committee before scheduling the application for a public hearing.

Anders Road Development
Council gave third reading to a Zoning Bylaw amendment to rezone property at 852 Anders Road from R3A Multiple Housing (low density) to R3B Multiple Housing (medium density) which would permit a maximum of 24 units as opposed to 12 units. The application does not include redevelopment plans and the applicant does not currently have a specific redevelopment planned. The application was taken to public hearing on June 25, 2013. Council directed staff to schedule the application for final consideration pending receipt of confirmation of a registration of an agricultural protection covenant.

West Bay Road Rezoning Application
Council adopted a Zoning Bylaw amendment to rezone a 1.0 hectare portion of the lake fronting the property at 2750 West Bay Road to allow the construction of a 36-slip private strata marina. The private marina will provide moorage for the upland Boucherie Beach Resort cottages.

Works and Services Bylaw
Council was presented an update on the ongoing review of the District’s Works and Services Bylaw. The District currently uses a bylaw inherited from the Regional District of Central Okanagan at the time of incorporation. This bylaw was last reviewed in 1996. The new Works and Services Bylaw will ensure consistency in addressing prescribed works and services associated with land development. The first draft of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw was presented to Council in August 2012 and has since been renamed to Works and Services Bylaw to better reflect the design criteria and construction standards within. The draft bylaw will also incorporate former irrigation district bylaws, road standards and elements of several master plans. Hillside development standards will be reviewed and compiled separately. Council provided input on key decision points which will be incorporated in a new draft which will be referred to the Urban Development Institute for review in July 2013. An updated draft is expected to be presented for Council review in August.

Economic Development – Business Walks
Council was provided information regarding recent Manufacturing Business Walks, coordinated through the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission. Two teams visited 16 manufacturing business in West Kelowna on May 28. Business owners were asked how business is going, what could be done to help their businesses thrive and what information would they like to access locally. Generally, answers from manufacturing businesses in West Kelowna were consistent with those of others in the region and indicate that the business outlook is positive, lifestyle drives business location choices and workforce retention and attraction is a major concern. Council was advised that a West Kelowna manufacturing business round-table event is being planned for July.

Brown Road Streetscape Improvement Project
Council directed staff to proceed with the tender of Phase 1 of the Brown Road Streetscape Improvement Project, budgeted at $2,017,917. The road will be upgraded to the two-lane Town Centre Street standard recommended in the Westbank Centre Revitalization Plan and will include:
-  Formalized on street parking and bicycle facilities
-  Widened enhanced sidewalks and sidewalk patio opportunities where possible
-  Shared vehicle/cyclist travel lanes and enhanced pedestrian crossing
-  Increased street trees and landscaping
-  Curb extensions, travel control signage and pavement markings
-  Street furniture
-  Ornamental street lights with opportunities for banners and hanging baskets
-  Gateway feature at Brown and Gosset Roads
-  Power service provided for events in the special events area between Drought and Gosset Road
-  Relocation of overhead wiring underground
-  Replacement of sewer and water infrastructure
-  Improved storm drainage system and underground utility upgrades

Rosewood Sports Field
Council awarded the construction contract for the new Rosewood Sports Field to CGL Contracting Ltd. for $775,462. The total project budget is $1,024,141. West Kelowna received $400,000 towards the construction from the Province of BC through its Community Recreation Program.  Construction will begin this year with the opening scheduled for September 2014, coinciding with the start of the first year at the soon-to-be-built Mar Jok Elementary School on Rosewood Drive.

2012 Annual Report
Council endorsed the 2012 District of West Kelowna Annual Report. As required under Section 98 of the Community Charter, each year a municipality must prepare an annual report which includes the audited annual financial statements, permissive tax exemptions, a report respecting municipal services and operations, performance measures and objectives and any other information Council considers advisable. Copies of the 2012 Annual Report is available for the public to pick up at Municipal Hall or can be viewed online on the District’s website under Mayor and Council/2012 Annual Report.

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