Trespasser leaves Kamloops home in handcuffs | iNFOnews | Thompson-Okanagan's News Source

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Trespasser leaves Kamloops home in handcuffs

Image Credit: SUBMITTED/Glendene Grant

A man was thanked by the Kamloops RCMP for striking an unwanted visitor just one time.

The trespasser showed up at a residential property in the area of Stardust Street and Fleetwood Avenue around 4 a.m. this morning, April 23, according to Glendene Grant who lives there. 

It was a full house. Grant’s 13-year-old granddaughter was spending the night in a camper out front. She was awake and chatting with friends over the phone when she heard somebody jiggle the door handle.

In addition to the conversation coming out of the camper, there were several vehicles parked out front as well.

“It was very obvious that the house was not vacant,” Grant said.

Grant's other granddaughter was sleeping inside on a couch, and she noticed the strange man took through their window.

Then the man tapped lightly on the window and Grant’s dog Luna began to bark.

Grant's daughter got up to see what was going on. When she noticed the man outside she opened the door to confront him – but without her glasses on, she wasn’t sure if he was familiar or not. But after telling Grant’s daughter he was lost, she realized he was a stranger.

“Then I heard my daughter start yelling really loudly,” Grant said.

The man was told to leave the property but kept refusing.

“I could see that this guy was right at the bottom of our stairs. My daughter and son-in-law were telling him go away, get out of here, leave. He backed up and just kept telling them no about leaving.”

Then the situation escalated.

“He kind of lunged towards her, forward a little to scare her, and she just reached out and slapped him. I could hear the slap from the top of the stairs.”

Then the stranger got too close to Grant’s son-in-law, she said, and he hit the man on the right side of his face as he tried to turn away.

“After that I could only see his feet.”

The man remained still for a few seconds and then Grant asked if he was getting up.

“I dunno,” her son-in-law responded.

“Is he knocked out?” she asked.

“He might be.”

Grant noticed the man start moving again shortly after. He stayed in the same spot until the police showed up, and she said it was a quick response.

The man made things difficult for police during the arrest, and she added that he had a 40-ounce bottle of whiskey and a glass with him.

“The one cop came over and said thank you for only hitting him once,” she said. “He told us, ‘You were well within your rights, he was still on your property – a lot of people would have done more.’”

Grant said her family’s “been through a lot of crap” so they try to minimize drama. She lost one of her daughters to human trafficking and another to a toxic drug overdose.

“We have enough shit in our life we don’t need any more other than get off our property and stay away.”

The family didn't get the impression that the man was homeless based on his appearance. Grant wonders if he maybe had too much to drink and got confused about where he was going. 

An email to the Kamloops RCMP was not returned before publication.

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