iN RESPONSE: Readers have their say | iNFOnews | Thompson-Okanagan's News Source

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iN RESPONSE: Readers have their say

Image Credit: PEXELS/Tony Schnagl

Following are emailed reader responses to stories or letters to the editor for the fourth week of September 2024. They have been edited slightly for readability. 

Got something you want to add? Send an email to editor Marshall Jones at

BC movers that damaged furniture sue customer for $3,000 but lose

I’m moving in a few weeks and booking the movers today. I'm glad I read this article. I will definitely not be using Two Burley Men. — Mike Chapman, via

This company tried to screw me over as well but I was fortunate to have a storage company owner help me retrieve my belongings, which they attempted to use as ransom after doubling their fee. I'm wondering if there's a loophole in the system that should have shut them down years ago. It's like letting a proven kleptomaniac work in retail, or a pedophile at an elementary school. They are a danger to the public. — Karen Klein, via email.

Thank you for the story on this moving company. We hired them to do a move for me back in December and it was a nightmare, they also changed the rates, damaged my property and more, no licenced driver one day, truck broke down twice, huge screaming argument between the movers on the last day for over 15 minutes, stuff gone missing, so much it's beyond belief. We paid the bill after much arguing, and submitting claims for most of the damaged goods. Once paid they stopped replying to emails and we've never had any resolution on our claim for damages. How they are allowed to operate is beyond me. — Robert Engh, via

These guys are the worst. Overcharged me over $800 for my move and broke a piece of solid oak furniture. When I reported the broken furniture I was told that the furniture was crap and the claim would be closed. I never followed up but now wish that I had. — Greg Long, via

Why do people use these guys? If the do close shop they’ll just re-open under a different name or numbered company and continue to rip off their customers. Do your research people. — Darryl Wendland, via

They are the most garbage moving company ever. — Rich Mahogany, via

iN PHOTOS: Kamloops mourns loss of beloved Red Bridge

Maybe it will be replaced with a modern, wide steel bridge that doesn’t have to be under constant repair. — James Nilsson, via

Developer refutes First Nation claims at Tranquille site in Kamloops

The proposed development looks amazing, we should go ahead and build it. We have a major housing shortage in Kamloops and this would help out greatly. — Simon Martinek, via

B.C. Premier touts involuntary care plans at convention, days before campaign begins

Eric Nelson commented that the conservatives came up with the idea of forced treatment a few weeks back and now the NDP have made it part of their platform. Eby campaigned for leadership on this two years ago. He set up a committee to study this six months after he took office, the findings were forwarded to him in the Spring and now he wants to put them into action. This news service reported on all of this. I can understand how Mr Nelson would be unaware of this but how are you?  At the very least you should be correcting the error that this is a new policy that Eby has stumbled onto. — Mac Gordon, via

Mac Gordon, on Sept. 24 writes: "Eby campaigned for leadership on this two years ago. He set up a committee to study this six months after he took office, the findings were forwarded to him in the Spring and now he wants to put them into action." Really? Were the BC NDP's findings and supposed involuntary care plans ever made available to the public? At the July 19, 2023, Rutland Town Hall meeting that discussed crime and drug use, MLA Renee Merrifield urged people to check out her party’s platform, Better is Possible, which would overhaul the delivery of mental health services and build a recovery-oriented system of care for those suffering from addiction. One of the aspects on this site: "Compassionate involuntary treatment: Bring forward legislation allowing the limited use of involuntary treatment to keep our most vulnerable youth and adults at risk of harm to themselves or others safe at modernized, compassionate facilities with 24/7 psychiatric and medical supports." — David Buckna, via email

Finally a good idea, in my opinion. I work hard and long hours to enjoy the life I have. I have a responsibility to my fellow citizens to be courteous and offer assistance if needed. I agree with force treatment. We as a society have enabled the drug users and alcoholics the freedom to do what ever and when ever they wish while they avoid responsibility for their own actions. Yes, in most cases addiction is an illness and should be treated. The self treatment does not seem to work. Society suffers as a whole because of the time wasted by first responders, sometimes several times in a day or night, while the responsible citizens wait in hospital line ups and hoping that an ambulance with arrive in time to save someone who is not a constant abuser of drugs and alcohol. Do responsible citizens not have a right to a safe environment for ourselves and our children, one where we don't have to worry about needles left in parks, sidewalks, school playgrounds? When I grew up I was taught to respect others and treat others as I would be like to be treated. I was taught to take responsibility for my actions. Why should the addicts and alcoholics get a free ride on society's dime. Is treatment not a better way to show love, care and support to those who have made wrong choices, in societies opinion? We jail killers, yet we as a society turn a blind eye to the killing of addicts. It could be argued that society is just as much a killer of addicts because we do not take responsibility and force the addicts to accept treatment. I say let's stop enabling and start treating. — Michael John, via email

I like how you reported the facts and simultaneously contoured the letter that stated the Conservative leader first proposed it. I’m not positive but I think Eby has proposed this even earlier than the convention. Thanks for being unbiased and informing us of what is the truth. It’s so hard to find these days what with all the blogs with no scrutiny to who can post. —AJ Plourde, via

Conservatives wouldn’t really have to work too hard to have a better response, now, would they? — Arlyn Greig, via email

DFO worried about fish habitat as Kamloops plans to remove entrenched camps

DFO has no concerns about the pollution these camps create? — Richard Hawthorne, via

Rustad's major housing tax rebate plan overshadowed by anti-vaccine comments on video

I cannot express the frustration I felt during the pandemic with anti-vaxers who did their level best to spread and prolong the disease by spreading  misinformation and outright lies. It will be a very frosty Friday before any one of these nuts ever sees a ballot with my name on it. They expressed their opinion, but now I get to express mine. — Ron Watt, via email

I was a lifelong supporter for the Liberal Party of BC, which has been renamed United, and would have continued with Conservative Party of BC. However, due to Rustad’s comments on the vaccine and his stated position on firing Dr. Bonnie Henry if elected, I can’t support the BC Conservative party. At the same time I can’t vote NDP. Therefore, I will not be voting in this upcoming provincial election. I don’t know how the Conservatives would handle another epidemic. — Elton Ash, via email

Well it is still somewhat of a divisive topic. I think that we are all very fortunate to have had a clear separation of politics and health care when we dealt with the pandemic. There is still a very small minority of the population that feels it was mishandled but I for one, being an immune compromised senior, was very happy with Dr. Henry handling it. When I hear John Rustad and one of his local candidates talking about all that again and support for the Freedom Convoy it certainly makes my decision for Oct. 19 a lot simpler. I don’t align with Rustad’s views on that and other topics so I will look to my Independent candidate to work to bring David Eby or Rustad to the Centre of the spectrum where I think most British Columbians feel comfortable. We have some excellent Independent candidates and Ashley Ramsay is one. Let’s forget about party affiliations and select the best person to represent us. Compare the resumes and I think you will see a clear choice. — Wayne Pierce, via email

I strongly believe that healthcare employees have a professional and moral obligation to protect the patient populations that they serve. Vaccination is a proven science and saves lives. If the employee refuses to abide by the employers expectations, then they need to seek employment elsewhere. These employees are not suitable to work in the healthcare profession. The few employees who actually do have bonafide reasons to refuse, such as proven allergies, can be temporarily relocated. I believe the politicians need to listen to our healthcare advisors, as the NDP did. It was an entirely new situation to deal with, and everyone did their best in the interest of all. Who knows how another party would have dealt with it. — Carol Farnsworth, via email 

It is well know that BC Conservative leader does not support the forced mandate onto the population to be vaccinated for the Covid virus. While many of the mainstream media continue to vilify those who question the public officials on their handling of this vaccine mandate, I fully support Mr. Rustad and will vote Conservative. BC Conservatives offer a fresh change from disastrous BC NDP polices and old style BC Liberal policies that have not served BC well. — Lee Fennell, via email

I personally think the government was brilliant to appoint someone like Dr. Bonnie Henry, a heath professional that actually had experience with this type of thing. You only had to look at other provinces such as Alberta and Ontario who appeared to have nothing but problems. Dr. Henry informed the citizens of BC exactly what was happening. It didn’t mean that we had to agree to every aspect, but we had the choice to be informed. What blew my mind was people travelling during this epidemic and coming to BC because “BC was safe”.  That comment came directly from someone from Ontario who decided to come to Vernon to visit her elderly parent. In other words, she had no concept of how easily Covid could spread. Uninformed. As for the BC Conservatives doing better, who knows. We can all hazard guesses but that is just what it would be, a guess. As for those supporting the truckers, anyone that supports an organization that has the audacity to use my country’s flag to try and better their cause completely loses my support. How dare they mark my countries flag that way. — Marti Giroux, via email 

Make no mistake about it, BC Conservatives are all about saving money not people. A lot of people would have died had the BC Conservatives been in power at the time. It’s always easier to criticize past party leader decisions after the fact. I can’t, in good conscience, vote BC Conservative because they plan to cut healthcare dollars and start offering a two tier system where those that can pay get the benefits and those that can’t wait in line until they either get their tests or die while they wait.  Having said that, I am troubled by who to vote for because I disagree with the BC NDP policy regarding the handling the drug crisis. I can’t vote for the BC Liberals, or whatever they called themselves, because they took the voter’s choice away when they joined the BC Conservatives. Shame on them. Who l vote for is up in the air right now but I definitely won’t vote BC Conservative. — Linda Lund

As you know and all media knows (documented fact) that long Covid and vaccine injuries were common and a certain percentage of the public cannot tolerate multiple vaccines. We seem to be ignoring this fact, especially media outlets. I would like to see statistics on these and the number of lawsuits worldwide due to the vaccines. Comments always taken out of context. People losing jobs due to the stance on vaccines is still going on. Talked to people who are in agony after multiple Covid shots.— John Chenoweth, via email 

Former BC Conservative candidate hosting fundraiser for Freedom Convoy organizer

If you want my opinion, I would vote Conservative any day of the week. I grew up in a Conservative government and things were always better than what we have here. The only thing we have better here
is the weather. — Frank Legare, via email 

Top cop working to change Kelowna RCMP's culture one file at a time

Kara Triance did next to nothing to change the culture of the RCMP. Their propensity to use excessive force has not changed. Under her tenure there have been multiple Kelowna residents assaulted violently and arbitrarily by Kelowna RCMP officers. There is no accountability for RCMP officers because the Citizens Review Complaint Commission has been described as a “useless toothless” commission that has no authority over an RCMP officer. That invariably is left up to the local superintendent who rules in favour of their officer because of the thin blue line. — Rob Clarke, via

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