Rosie's Grape Stop
- 325A Gray Rd
- Kelowna
- 250-765-7447
Located in the heart of the Rutland area in Kelowna, B.C., Rosie's Grape Stop is a family owned and operated U-Brew, specializing in wines, ciders, coolers, and beers. We also provide kits, supplies, and advice for the home brewer. We even carry gift items and novelties to enhance your wine-drinking experience. With over 10 years experience, we enable our wines to reach their best potential, providing our customers with top quality wine that is easy on the pocket book.
Services We Offer Related Wine Making Equipment, Service And Supplies
- anniversary wine making
- event wine making
- group rate wine making
- ice wine
- ports
- California Connoisseur
- Cellar Craft
- Cheeky Monkey
- Ken Ridge
- Legacy
- Vinco
- European Select
- Niagara Mist