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Kelowna brewery wins best gluten-free beer for third time

Grey Fox Brewing's owner and brewmaster Chris Neufeld.
Grey Fox Brewing's owner and brewmaster Chris Neufeld.
Image Credit: Grey Fox Brewing

A Kelowna brewery took home awards for the best gluten-free beer in Canada.

Grey Fox Brewing won gold, silver and bronze in the gluten-free category at the recent Canadian Brewing Awards.

The brewery’s Quick Witted, Prolific Pale, and Humble Lager were the top three gluten-free beers, according to a press release from the brewery issued today, May 27. This is the third time Quick Witted has taken home the gold, and last year Grey Fox swept the gluten-free category.

Grey Fox Brewing’s owner and brewmaster Chris Neufeld is gluten intolerant himself.

READ MORE: Kelowna brewery boasts best gluten-free brews in Canada

“I’m celiac and can’t drink traditional beer without getting very sick,” Neufeld said in the release. “I wanted to make beers that have all the characteristics of those made with barley and wheat, but using ingredients that won’t make people like me ill.”

The Canadian Brewing Awards were given out in Hamilton, Ont. on May 25 as part of the Canadian Brewers Conference. There were four categories and 61 different beer styles up for awards.

“It’s rewarding to know that Grey Fox beers are not only safe for people who can’t have gluten, but also tasty enough to stand up against the best brews in Canada,” Neufeld said.

Click here for the full list of winners.

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