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Time to clean up the yard!

Cleaning up your yard and trimming
Cleaning up your yard and trimming
Image Credit: ADOBE STOCK

With unpredictable weather patterns, it’s hard to plan for spring cleaning, but once the snow melts, backyards and orchards become more accessible. So, sharpen your pruning shears and pull the rake out of the garage!

branches being shredded
branches being shredded
Image Credit: ADOBE STOCK

Now’s the time to remove damaged limbs on shrubs and trees before the weather warms up and invasive insects begin to hatch. They’re attracted to sap, and can invade open cuts because the protective bark layer has been removed. Pruning your trees before the sap comes back up into the branches prevents infestations. As for the garden area, it’s time to clean up planting beds and check your drip irrigation system. A test run of your water supply is a good idea before the summer heat arrives and your crop is at production stage. Putting in a new lawn? Prepare the ground now for your turf or seed so it can settle in over spring as the ground warms up and roots grow down into the soil.

If you plan on burning the debris you rake, check your municipality website for current regulations before lighting that fire. Ashes are an excellent soil additive for gardens, with calcium and magnesium to make plants bloom. Chipping is a good alternative to burning for removing larger debris like branches, especially if your neighbours are in close proximity and the breeze is blowing their way. Save the chips for mulching around young trees and shrubs for insulation against drought. Professional landscaping companies offer chipping services any time of the year, and no doubt, your city spring cleanup program offers assistance in removing limbs and debris when placed roadside.

Burning branches from trees
Burning branches from trees
Image Credit: ADOBE STOCK

If your property cleanup is too daunting, call a professional tree and landscape company. Often, their services extend into consultations, and they may tip you off to potential hazards that threaten the health of your trees and shrubs. If your mature trees are in need of care, these experienced teams often have bucket trucks to reach high branches and trained staff to work around hydro lines. Stay safe on the ground and watch the pros go to work.

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